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Python is a great first programming language to learn and has great momentum with new and relevant open-source code written and shared every day.
Python comes pre-loaded on most computers (except Windows). It is used for game development, back-end server automation, front-end web frameworks, scientific applications and for building GUI software.
Relative to other documentation, because Python is open-source and much of its code is written on a voluntary basis, what it sometimes lacks is intuitive and easy-to-comprehend documentation. Plus the official python.org documentation was written for seasoned programmers coming from other languages like C, Java and C++.
The purpose of this Python reference is to provide organization and offer a go-to resource to quickly access information so you can stay productive. Our unique 'Priority' column in most tables offer the beginner a way to focus on what should be learned first, because it's easy to feel inundated at first.
Initially, coverage includes the basics of the language but will include reference material on other modules. It is also supplemented with tutorials found here and at our YouTube channel.
Dive right in to see the Outline.
We identify the difficulty level on each web page.
At the beginner level, information on Python is generally high-level and more general. These topics cover the general features of Python, its capabilities and how to plan a course of action for your specific needs.
At this level you have likely committed to using Python professionally as your programming language. Here we focus on installation, administration and customization. We dig into configuration files, installation, security, user management and building out features.
Here you are proficient with Python and are ready to move your application to a production environment. Topics here include advanced scripting, hosting the front-end of applications, scaling and sharing data across applications in the back end with APIs.
Q: What are the prerequisites?
A: A comfort level with the command line,
the client/server relationship and networking.
Q: Can FactorPad provide additional help?
A: Yes. Contact us through social media.
Q: Is this Python Reference free?
A: Yes, it is ad-supported. Please tell your
friends so future content remains freely accessible.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and connect @factorpad on Twitter for an organized approach to learning Python.
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