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Linux Quiz 1a Covering whereis, ls, alias, man and nano Commands

This is the first quiz with a video set to relaxing music.
  1. Study - Review the first 20 commands in the Linux Essentials YouTube Playlist, or 20 web pages found here.
  2. Quiz - Watch the video and see how many answers you get correct.
  3. Next - When you're ready to move on to the next Quiz click Next.
face pic by Paul Alan Davis, CFA
Updated: February 24, 2021
As with learning to code, the feedback loop is vital and here we cover the first 10 commands from Linux Essentials so you can see what you need to reinforce.

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Linux Command Line Quiz 1a


Below find a quiz in two formats. First is a 6 1/2 minute video set to relaxing music. Second is a text-based quiz with the same 25 questions. Good luck and have fun.


Videos can also be accessed from the Linux Essentials Playlist on YouTube.

Linux Command Line Quiz Game for Beginners | 1a (6:28)

The Quiz

Click the box to reveal the answer. It's that easy.

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How do you find the manual page for the shell built-in called cd?

$ man bash


How do you edit and save an alias across sessions?

$ nano ~/.bashrc


How do you show the current working directory?

$ pwd


How do you list all aliases present in the current session?

$ alias


How do you list shell built-in commands?

$ bash -c help


How do you find who you are logged in as?

$ whoami


How do you display the PATH variable?

$ echo $PATH


How do you stop multi-line input entered using the cat command?

$ Ctrl-c


How do you change to the root directory?

$ cd /


How do you locate the manual page for the touch command?

$ whereis -m touch


How do you access reference material for the cat command?

$ man cat


How do you wipe the terminal clean and start a fresh screen?

$ clear


How do you access a one-line summary of bash?

$ whatis bash


How do you edit and save an alias across sessions?

$ nano ~/.bashrc


How do you stop a process using a shortcut?

$ Ctrl-c


How do you show files in one column?

$ ls -1


How do you open file1.txt for editing using a basic editor?

$ nano file1.txt


How do you access reference material for a shell built-in?

$ man bash


How do you find help on whereis if not using --help?

$ whereis -h


How do you show tomorrow's date without the time?

$ date --date="tomorrow" +%D


How do you logout and close the terminal using a shortcut?

$ ls -1


How do you display Hello World on two lines?

$ echo -e "Hello\nWorld"


How do you use the default pager for man pages to view file1.txt?

$ less file1.txt


How do you create a new empty file called file1.txt?

$ touch file1.txt


How do you find version info on the whatis command?

$ whatis --version

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linux quiz
game quiz
linux basic commands
video tutorials
bash command quiz
whereis command quiz
ls command quiz
alias command quiz
man command quiz
nano command quiz

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