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A Beginner's First 100 Commands
1. exit
- logout and close terminal
2. whatis
- display one-line manual page descriptions
3. clear
- clear the terminal screen
4. man
- view the local reference manuals
5. less
- view and search text files
6. pwd
- print the name of the current directory
7. ls
- list files in a directory
8. cd
- change the current directory
9. bash
- interact with the terminal
10. cat
- send input to output
11. type
- show a command's type and location
12. alias
- customize a command
13. whoami
- display the current user's name
14. whereis
- locate binaries, manuals and source code
15. date
- display or set the system time and date
16. touch
- update file timestamps
17. file
- display a file's type
18. which
- locate commands
19. echo
- display text and variables
20. nano
- edit text files
21. ln
- make file or directory links
22. mkdir
- make directories
23. cp
- copy files or directories
24. mv
move or rename files or directories
25. rm
- remove files or directories
26. wc
- count lines, words and bytes
27. head
- print the first lines of a file
28. tail
- print the last lines of a file
29. apropos
- search manual titles and descriptions
30. find
- search for files within directories
31. sort
- sort lines within text files
32. uniq
- find repeating consecutive lines
33. cut
- select sections from lines of text
34. diff
- compare lines of text files
35. comm
- simply compare two files
36. sdiff
- compare and merge files
37. paste
- combine lines from two files
38. join
- join lines from two files
39. grep
- search for text patterns in a file
40. sed
- edit a stream of text
41. calendar
- display reminders and calendar updates
42. cal
- display a calendar
43. sleep
- pause for a specified amount of time
44. crontab
- create and schedule automated downloads
45. ps
- print a snapshot of current processes
46. printenv
- print environment variables
47. export
- pass environment variables to other processes
48. set
- display or set shell and environment variables
49. unset
- remove variables or functions
50. stat
- show file or system status
51. df
- display file or file system space
52. du
- show disk utilization for files and directories
53. free
- display memory in system RAM
54. pg
- display text page-by-page
55. more
- view text files
56. emacs
- edit text files
57. vim
- edit text files
58. history
- review command history
59. kill
- send a singal to a process
60. bg
- move a process to the background
61. chsh
- change login shell programs
62. uname
- display system information
63. jobs
- show jobs in the terminal
64. dpkg
- manage software packages
65. apt-get
- manage software packages
66. apt-cache
- search for packages and dependencies
67. aptitude
- manage software packages
68. gzip
- compress and decompress files
69. gunzip
- decompress files
70. bzip2
- compress and decompress files
71. xz
- compress and decompress files
72. zip
- compress and archive files
73. tar
-archive files and directories
74. rsync
- synchronize file systems
75. chmod
- change file permissions
76. chown
- change file owner and group
77. id
- show user and group information
78. su
- temporarily substitute users
79. sudo
- run a command as superuser
80. passwd
- change user passwords
81. adduser
- add users and groups
82. ping
- send data packets to hosts
83. tracroute
- show the route to hosts
84. ftp
- automate the transfer of files
85. wget
- download files non-interactively
86. ssh
- remotely access a server
87. source
- read and execute commands from a file
88. time
- show command execution time
89. read
- take input from a keyboard or file
90. xargs
- build and execute commands
91. tee
- route to both standard output and a file
92. printf
- create formatted output
93. test
- evaluate an expression
94. if
- build a branch in a script
95. function
- create a script within a script
96. while
- create a program loop
97. case
- build a program menu
98. for
- create a program loop
99. until
- create a program loop
100. fold
- wrap text to a specified width
1. Quiz 1a
- Quiz on commands 1 - 20
2. Quiz 1b
- Quiz on commands 1 - 20
3. Quiz 1c
- Quiz on commands 1 - 20
4. Quiz 1d
- Quiz on commands 1 - 20
5. Quiz 2a
- Quiz on commands 21 - 40
6. Quiz 2b
- Quiz on commands 21 - 40
7. Quiz 2c
- Quiz on commands 21 - 40
8. Quiz 2d
- Quiz on commands 21 - 40
For an overview of the 100 videos, the 8 quizzes, a cheat sheet, the categories and a Q&A section, visit:
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